
Paid Media Best Practices for Boosting Your ROI

August 30, 2023

Paid Media Best Practices for Boosting Your ROI

According to Statista, “Global digital advertising expenditures reached approximately 521 billion U.S. dollars in 2021, and projections indicate that this number will exceed 756 billion by 2024.”

In today’s digital age, investments in paid media advertising have skyrocketed, making it a vital component of modern marketing strategies. This is because paid media allows businesses to amplify their brand message, reach a wider audience, and drive high-quality targeted traffic to their websites or landing pages.

However, companies must optimize their paid media investments properly to generate the best possible ROI. Thus, to achieve this, they need to set strategic goals, develop a data-driven approach, and implement industry best practices.

Paid Media Services

In this blog, we will explore some paid media best practices that can significantly improve your paid media ROI and ensure profitability for your business.

But first, let’s begin with the basics.

1. What is Paid Media?

Paid media refers to a form of advertising where businesses or individuals pay to promote their products or services across a wide range of digital channels. This includes search engines, social media platforms, display networks, video platforms, and more.

It allows advertisers to reach a specific target audience by strategically placing their ads in locations where they are most likely to see the advertisements. Thus, it will enable businesses to increase their brand visibility, and attract potential customers, ultimately generating high-quality leads.

2. Why is it important to measure ROI in Paid Media?

Measuring ROI in paid media is crucial because it allows businesses to assess the effectiveness and profitability of their advertising efforts and optimise their campaigns accordingly.

Let’s understand this in detail:

2.1 Assesses Campaign Effectiveness & fine-tunes as required

By diligently calculating and analyzing the ROI in paid media, businesses can gain valuable insights into the performance of various advertising channels, formats, and messaging strategies. This process allows them to pinpoint areas that require improvement or adjustment, facilitating continuous optimisation.

For example, ROI analysis aids companies in evaluating the effectiveness of diverse ad formats like banner ads, video ads, or sponsored content, empowering them to prioritise formats that deliver the highest returns on their investment.

2.2 Determines Profitable Customer Segments

By measuring the ROI of marketing campaigns for different audience groups, businesses can identify which segments are bringing in the highest returns on their investment. This information helps companies focus their efforts on targeting the most lucrative customer segments.

Accordingly, they can then tailor their marketing strategies and messaging to meet the specific needs and preferences of those groups. This also allows businesses to drive high conversions, ultimately boosting profitability.

2.3 Allocates the right resources to the right paid media campaigns

Analyzing the returns generated from different paid media initiatives can help businesses identify which campaigns deliver the best and most cost-effective results. This information allows companies to decide where to allocate their advertising budgets and avoid wasting resources on underperforming channels.

For example, a company identified that LinkedIn ads outperformed Google ads in terms of conversions. They can then reallocate their resources and focus more on LinkedIn ads and boost overall campaign effectiveness. This will ultimately boost brand visibility and increase conversions.

2.4 Optimises Future Marketing Budget Allocation

Measuring the ROI of past and ongoing paid media campaigns helps businesses gain valuable insights into the performance of various initiatives and tactics. Accordingly, they can optimise and allocate budgets precisely and ensure that future budgets are directed towards the most profitable and impactful activities.

For example, after analyzing the ROI of two simultaneous paid media campaigns, marketers discovered that Campaign A achieved an impressive 140% ROI, generating $1.40 in revenue for every dollar spent. In contrast, Campaign B achieved a modest 50% ROI, earning $0.50 per dollar. With this data, businesses can optimize their future budget allocation by investing more in Campaign A instead of B for better returns.

ROI-Driven Paid Media

Now that we understand the importance of calculating ROI, let’s look into the ways to boost your paid media returns.

3. Best Practices to improve Paid Media ROI

According to a survey, “Facebook advertisements delivered the most excellent ROI for 40% of firms, while Instagram ads produced 30%”.

The mentioned statistic emphasises the significance of Paid Media ads for businesses in generating revenue and attracting customers. However, companies must grasp the essential best practices that will help them with the same.

Let’s dive in.

3.1 Segment your target audience

To improve paid media ROI, businesses must strategically segment their target audience according to location, demographics, lifestyle, social status, interests, behaviours, opinions, beliefs, and other relevant criteria.

By understanding the various audience segments, businesses can refine their messaging approach and create more targeted and personalized ad campaigns. Moreover, this will also ensure that the paid media efforts align with customer preferences which will encourage them to take desired actions, like making a purchase or signing up for a service.

3.2 Identify the relevant KPIs for paid-media campaigns

It is essential to clearly define the KPIs for paid media campaigns as they serve as measurable and quantifiable metrics that help gauge the effectiveness & performance of the campaign in achieving its objectives.

Further, these KPIs offer valuable insights into performance, enabling data-driven decision-making and optimization strategies. Some of the essential KPIs for paid media campaigns are- click-through rates, conversion rates, cost per acquisition (CPA), return on ad spend (ROAS), engagement metrics, or lifetime value (LTV) of customers, etc.

3.3 Perform competitor and keyword research

Performing a competitor analysis through SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis and keyword research is the next critical step in improving paid media ROI. This entails thorough scrutiny of keywords, ad copies, pricing strategies, and overall marketing approaches.

For instance, a fitness apparel brand could examine competitor ads to uncover keyword gaps and untapped market opportunities. Armed with these insights, the brand can precisely target a niche audience, leading to heightened brand visibility and increased leads. By utilizing this approach, businesses can optimize their paid media campaigns for a competitive edge and improved ROI.

3.4 Leverage the right paid media channels

To ensure a successful paid media strategy, businesses must meticulously select the most suitable channels to reach their target audience effectively. This involves a thoughtful evaluation of platforms like search engine advertising, social media, display networks, and more based on how well they align with the company’s products or services.

For instance, let’s consider an e-commerce company aiming to captivate young audiences. To achieve this, they can employ Instagram and Google Shopping ads, as these platforms resonate strongly with their target demographic. By carefully analysing data and implementing data-driven optimisations across all channels, they can enhance visibility, drive valuable conversions, and achieve remarkable marketing goals.

 What is Paid Media

3.5 Define your bidding strategy

Employing a tailored bidding strategy based on the advertising platform is crucial for businesses. By considering manual and automated bidding, as well as options like target CPA or ROAS bidding and enhanced cost-per-click (ECPC) bidding, companies can optimise the returns. Additionally, utilising bid modifiers enables adjustments for specific audience segments, enhancing campaign effectiveness.

For example, an e-commerce company may leverage automated bidding with a target ROAS on a Google Ads campaign. Then they can adjust bids for high-value customers using bid modifiers, resulting in increased sales and improved ad spend efficiency.

3.6 Create compelling Ad copies

It is crucial for companies to develop engaging and persuasive ad copies that can resonate with the need of the target audience. The ad copies should highlight the products’ unique selling points, have compelling headlines, and clear call to action (CTAs) to drive more engagement.

For example, a fitness apparel brand could use a powerful headline like “Unleash Your Inner Athlete” while showcasing their high-performance fabrics and offering a limited-time discount to attract consumers. Further, companies can experiment with different messaging and creative elements to find the most effective combinations that increase conversions and sales.

3.7 Develop landing pages to improve CRO

A well-designed landing page can significantly increase the chances of converting visitors into customers or achieving other desired actions. The process begins by aligning messaging, design, and CTAs with appropriate pop-ups. Moreover, companies can take their CRO efforts a step further by tracking visitors’ behaviour, identifying friction points and improving user experience.

For instance, an e-commerce website promoting a new product can create a dedicated landing page with product images, customer reviews, and a prominent “Buy Now” button to attract customers, increasing the likelihood of conversions.

3.8 Set up UTM and digital tracking pixels

Businesses can accurately track paid media campaigns’ performance using UTM parameters and digital tracking pixels. UTM helps identify the specific sources, mediums, and campaigns that drive traffic and conversions. On the other hand, digital tracking pixels, such as Facebook Pixel or Google Analytics track codes, provide valuable data on how users navigate websites, engage with content, and complete desired actions.

For ex- company running a paid media campaign across multiple social media platforms can use UTM parameters in the campaign URLs (such as “utm_source=facebook” for Facebook) to determine which platform generates the most clicks and conversions.

3.9 Monitor and optimise the performance

To ensure that paid media campaigns are effective and deliver high ROI, monitoring and optimising them continuously is crucial. This involves analysing various KPIs and metrics that will help businesses identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions.

Moreover, companies can also use A/B testing to experiment with different ad copies and designs to determine what works best. Finally, through continuous monitoring and optimisation, companies can improve their campaign’s performance and achieve their marketing goal from paid ad campaigns.

By following these best practices, you can create a powerful and efficient paid media strategy that drives results for your business.

Use Paid Ads for SaaS

4. How can a Digital Marketing Agency Maximise Paid Media ROI?

A digital marketing agency offers customised paid media strategies tailored to your specific business goals and target audience. From refining messaging to adjusting bids and budgets, they ensure you maximise your ROI and achieve the desired outcomes.

Growth Ganik is a leading full-stack marketing agency with over 15 years of experience, armed with deep knowledge of the latest trends and best practices in paid media advertising. Further, our paid media expertise can help you scale quickly by enabling you to continuously test, iterate and optimise your ad campaigns and bidding strategies.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our digital marketing professionals and discover how our expertise can help you achieve your business objectives.